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Huzhou Travel Blog

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

Alex in Wanderland

I met Alex years ago in New York City and we’ve been friends ever since. The author of the article on diving in Koh Tao, Alex is a photographer, graphic designer, travel lover, and dive specialist currently roaming the States. Her blog features great photos, dive tips, travel stories, and a biting and self-deprecating humor. Plus, I helped pick out her blog name, so it’s hard not to love it.
Updated: 1/03/20 | January 3rd, 2020

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